A Catalyst for Airport’s Economic Diversity

Attracting targeted industries that will make a substantial impact on the health of a local economy requires strategic visioning and proactive programs that will enhance the desirability of a location. Site readiness that includes access to critical utility infrastructure is a key component to increasing the competitiveness of an area to companies looking to potentially relocate their business.
Recognizing this, the Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB) applied for and was awarded a $4 million federal economic development grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) to be used to expand infrastructure improvements to prepare the airport’s commercial/industrial park for future development.
As part of DAB’s development plan, the underutilized 56-acre southern tract of land at the county-owned and operated airport has begun moving forward to realize that goal, thereby setting the stage for potential vertical development. With the installation of utilities including water, wastewater, electricity, and conduit for fiber optic cables along Bellevue Avenue, the site readiness project will be completed in the first quarter of 2025.
Additionally, excavation of parcel 61, in the same southern tract, has undergone transformative remediation by removing household waste that remained there from when the land was part of the Daytona Beach Landfill. Unrelated to the EDA grant, removal of 33,986 tons of nonhazardous waste was removed by Volusia County Public Works. The site was then graded and adequately prepped for vertical development.
The airport, which is home to businesses including Sheltair, Yelvington Jet Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, NASCAR, and others will be poised to attract more private investment. That increased investment will lead to new job opportunities for Volusia County residents and will act a catalyst for future development surrounding the airport, adding more economic diversity to the region.
To learn more about the available parcels at DAB, contact Volusia County Economic Development Business Manager Katrina Friel at kfriel@volusia.org or call 386-248-8048.