Understanding analytics a must for the digital age As a business owner, you may or may not be familiar with the term “analytics” pertaining to your company website. In layman’s terms, “analytics” is the reporting (or measurement) of web data via collection and analysis to identify ways to best optimize your company’s website usage. In […]Read More
Nothing screams “excitement” like a good, old-fashioned website audit. Why? Because a website audit includes a general analysis of your business site, revealing steps you need to take in order to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) value. These audits are great for learning about ways to improve your website’s performance, including content, overall SEO […]Read More
You’re a busy entrepreneur, and your entire focus is on selling your products and services. Meanwhile, other business-related tasks have mounted, and you find yourself playing catchup only to feel you are lagging further and further behind. Sales have slowed, and you’ve neglected your marketing plan for quite some time. All businesses are at risk […]Read More
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the practice by which the quality of and visits to your website are increased via organic search engine results. The goal of SEO is to attract customers who are actually interested in what you specifically have to offer. The quantity of visitors to your website increases once you have […]Read More