West Augustine Community Celebrates Health and Wellness Center

The quality of life for West Augustine residents received a big boost earlier this month with a groundbreaking ceremony for the West Augustine Health and Wellness Center. Officials from St. Johns County, along with representatives from the West Augustine Historical Community Development Corporation, the West Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency, the Central Florida Community Development Corporation and other partners came together to celebrate the beginning of construction for the $8 million facility.
According to a county media release, the project has been a yearslong endeavor which will bring health care resources to the area’s residents.
“This health and wellness center represents more than just a building,” said St. Johns County Commission Chair Sarah Arnold, at the groundbreaking event. “It’s a sign of our commitment to the health and well-being of all of our residents.”
Arnold said the project is only the beginning of efforts in West Augustine from both public and private entities.
“Together we will continue to create opportunities for West Augustine, where everyone has the chance to thrive with health and wellness in our community,” she said.
Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Paul Renner said the groundbreaking represents a concerted community effort.
“This is what happens when we don’t care about anything other than solving real problems,” he said. “We know that people cannot go on and live their American Dream if they’re broken physically, if they’re broken in mental health, if they’re broken spiritually. So get that help to allow them to be the best is what we want to do.”
Sixteen speakers spoke at the event, each telling a different part of the long journey to seeing the health center begin construction at 938 W. King St. and the dedicated cooperation between local, county and state governments necessary to make it happen, the release stated.
“This is a demonstration and manifestation of what we can do when we come together… to meet the fundamental needs of our community,” St. Johns County Administrator Joy Andrews said in the release.
Dwala Willis, co-chair of the West Augustine CRA Steering Committee, said it didn’t matter to the West Augustine community how long it took; they were determined to make the dream a reality.
“Going into this we knew this was a huge longshot being here today,” she said. “The last time I checked there was no expiration date on hope.”
Greg White, founder and president of the West Augustine Historical Community Development Corporation, spoke of how the saying “a rising tide lifts all boats” doesn’t apply when one boat has a hole in it; generations of redlining and underserving had left West Augustine with such a hole, but the health center will be a chance to fix it. “Together, we are gonna patch that hole!” White said in the release.
State Sen. Travis Hutson said the project was driven by the community.
“This whole project was grass roots from the ground up,” he said. “This was a village of locals getting together, raising the dollars, getting the community involved and realizing there’s a problem.”
The West Augustine Health and Wellness Center is expected to open in October 2025.