Daytona Beach Area CVB to Host Listening Session

The Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau will continue with its series of Community Tourism Listening Sessions Nov. 12 at noon in the Heron Room at Pictona At Holly Hill, 1060 Ridgewood Avenue, Holly Hill, according to a media release.

The CVB is hosting these listening sessions with area residents, sharing information on how the CVB markets the destination and the importance of the tourism industry in the community. Residents are encouraged to provide their input and learn how they can participate and get involved, the release states. A light lunch will be provided for attendees.

Attendees should RSVP no later than Nov. 11 to or by calling 386- 255-0415, extension 110. Those unable to attend the session can email their input directly to the Executive Director Lori Campbell Baker, at or call 386- 255-0415, extension 120.