Did You Know Super Bowl Ads Also Get Ranked?

While most of the action in Super Bowl LVII took place on the field of State Farm Stadium, the competition for attention by advertisers was also closely watched.
According to the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Google Pixel was the big winner in the organization’s annual Super Bowl Advertising Review.
“Google Pixel excelled at explaining their product benefits and value proposition all while keeping the consumer interested and engaged,” said Derek Rucker, Sandy & Morton Goldman professor of entrepreneurial studies in marketing and co-lead of the school’s Ad Review, in a media release.
The Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review uses a strategic academic framework known as ADPLAN to evaluate the strategic effectiveness of Super Bowl spots. The acronym helps viewers grade ads based on Attention, Distinction, Positioning, Linkage, Amplification and Net Equity.
“By and large, advertisers played it safe this year, sticking with broadly appealing themes. It’s apparent advertisers are working hard to avoid very costly mistakes given the huge exposure of the Super Bowl,” said Tim Calkins, clinical professor of marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and co-lead of the school’s Ad Review, in the release.