presented by

 “Reimagining Fundraising”

Friday, February 7, 2025   |   7:30 – 9:30 am

The Mori Hosseini Center,  Daytona State College

Bill Crouch

– Reimagining your fundraising efforts is an essential step toward ensuring long-term sustainability and growth for your organization. To create a blueprint specific to your fundraising needs, it’s crucial to focus on three key pillars: innovation, community engagement, and strategic planning.  This event will focus on how to do this effectively.

SPEAKER – Bill Crouch is CEO of Bright Dot, Inc. Bill is known as THE FUNDRAISING CATALYST, helping elite nonprofit, higher education, and association executives become game changers in their field and achieve million-dollar breakthroughs in their organization. As a former college president and founder of BrightDot, a nationwide fundraising consultancy that teaches, trains, and transforms organizations, Bill’s programs help develop powerful leadership teams and Boards of Directors.

Proceeds to Benefit One Voice for Volusia.  Flagler Cares and One Voice for Volusia have merged into one corporate structure under Flagler Cares. One Voice for Volusia is doing business as the Substance Use Prevention Coalition and neutral community facilitator in Volusia County, focusing on addressing risk factors and building protective factors to prevent early initiation of youth substance use. Flagler Cares will remain committed to providing social safety net, behavioral health and outpatient counseling, and prevention services for Flagler County.
Now covering a two-county footprint, Flagler Cares and One Voice for Volusia can expand coordinated services and continue to bring resources and collaboration in behavioral health, social services, and substance use prevention, all work informed by data and the community members we serve.
For Volusia County, our name, mission, and purpose remain the same, and we are dedicated to substance use prevention work. We are known for our One Voice for Volusia Coalition, a collaborative of health and human services sector representatives and community providers,