Customers are the lifeblood of any small business, and businesses spend significant money on all forms of advertising trying to attract more customers while remaining competitive in the marketplace. As the business owner, Customer Service is your primary responsibility and cannot be delegated. You may think that you compete in the marketplace based upon price, quality or product line; although, as a small business you cannot compete with the national chains or Amazon.
How then do you compete when the customer is one click away from making a purchase decision in any country throughout the world? The truth is that your business has a decided advantage in delivering what every customer wants, yet seldom receives, in the big box stores – service, appreciation, acknowledgement or whatever term you want to use. For most small businesses, customers come to your location to buy products or services. Research tells us that potential customers need to see an ad six or seven times before they make a purchase decision. When a customer enters your business or makes a purchase, how do you treat them? Do you treat them as a business transaction or as an inconvenience if they are having a bad day and take it out on you or your team members? You’ve already spent the money to bring them to your business, and once inside, there is no cost to you to make the customer feel special even if they are having a bad day. Sometimes it helps to show compassion to let them know that you care more about them than about the money they will spend.
Your happy customers are the best form of advertising and we know that a happy customer will tell four to six people about their experience. It’s your choice how you treat your customers, even the ones who may be disappointed. Making a customer feel important only takes a little time and thoughtfulness. How do you want your customer to remember their experience in your business?