King Street Improvement Project Meeting Set
The next step in the city of St. Augustine’s King Street Improvements Project takes happens June 27 in The Alcazar Room of City Hall at 4:30 p.m.
According to a city media release, “The King Street Improvements project seeks to create a beautiful streetscape leading to the heart of the Nation’s Oldest City. The project goes from Malaga Street (west) to Charlotte Street (east) and includes a variety of mobility and beautification improvements to make this ‘The Best Mile in Florida.’”
Design recommendations for the project will be reviewed by the city’s engineering consultants Hanson Professional Services and Marquis Latimer + Halback at the public meeting.
Two design concepts will be presented and discussed. Concept “A”, which has received more consistent support to date, improves the beauty of the street while defining the center turn lane in brick with mid-block pedestrian crossings carefully placed between intersections while maintaining current access patterns to easily access businesses and residences along the corridor. Concept “B” shifts traffic lanes to the north and incorporates a transit-only lane for transit circulators, buses, carriages, trolleys and trains, the release states.