St. Augustine Sailing Offers Sailing Programs for Women

Popeye the sailor man will have some company on the high seas with a new program that encourages women to learn to sail.
The Women on the Water program from St. Augustine Sailing is designed to be flexible and fit every woman’s sailing journey, according to a media release from the luxury sailing experience company. The program is held every weekend throughout the year, with each month focusing on a different aspect of sailing. Topics are modified to fit every level of experience, so everyone from novices to experienced sailors are welcome to join.
“The sport of sailing has historically been very male-dominated,” said Rose Ann Points, co-owner, captain and broker at St. Augustine Sailing, in the release. “It can be intimidating. That’s why our course was designed by women for women. We wanted to create a space where they could feel comfortable learning the ropes from someone who had been where they are. Our ultimate goal is to make sure that women leave our course feeling competent and confident. “
Classes in February will focus on navigation, and topics will cover charts, navigation aids, navigation tools and basic plotting. Classes will be taught by Points and Kim Walther, who share a passion not only for sailing but for getting more women on the water.
“I love the confidence you see these women gaining as they learn how to handle boats,” Points said in the release. “Learning to sail can be transformational. The first time you take the helm and guide a boat on her course, it’s powerful. You feel powerful. I want every female sailor to feel that. I believe in it so strongly that we have created a scholarship program that is designed to help women who have experienced abuse or are in recovery, female veterans, minorities, lower-income households, and retirees. I want to bring sailing to as many women as possible.”
St. Augustine Sailing also offers sailing lessons and membership in SailTime, a club that allows members to rent a boat at franchises around the country. For more information on their programs, visit