St Johns Chamber Member Profile – Cole Slate
Slate Real Estate - Owner and Broker

How long have you or your organization been a member of the Chamber? 2.5 years
How have you, or your organization benefited from membership in the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce? I feel the biggest benefits of the SJCCC is the networking and education. I enjoy creating new relationships and staying update on county news and economic updates.
What advice would you give a new chamber member to maximize their membership? Get involved and stay involved! Just like everything in business and marketing, it’s all about consistency. You’ll absolutely get out, what you put in!
What career advice do you live by? Treat everyone better than you want to be treated.
What are the biggest challenges facing St. Johns County today? Commercial business and infrastructure keeping up with the population growth and residential demand.
How do you define success? The number of lives you positively impact.
What past experiences or roles have led you to where you are today? I tend to be a ‘Yes Man.’ I constantly keep an overflowing plate of leadership roles and networking involvement, which I love. I believe business is 51% who you know and 49% what you know because you could be the best at what you do, but it doesn’t matter if you have nobody to share it with.
What is a fun fact about you? St. Johns area native, Switzerland Point Middle School and Bartram Trail High School graduate. I’ve lived in the same zip code, 32259, since 1998 (Except for when I went to Gainesville for college. Go Gators!).