Did You Know There’s a New Magnificent 7 Ready to Ride?

A new economic survey saddling up at the U.S. Census Bureau is set to be the new Magnificent 7 in economics and finance.
The new Annual Integrated Economic Survey may be a mouthful to say, but it will make things a lot easier for participating businesses. The recently announced program consolidates seven separate surveys into one, according to a media release.
According to the release, the goal in creating the combined statistical programs is not only to encourage business owners to complete the survey – which the Census Bureau says will improve the quality and timeliness of the data – but also help reduce costs for the government agency.
The new survey will include data from the Annual Capital Expenditures Survey, the Annual Retail Trade Survey, the Survey of Manufacturers, the Wholesale Trade Survey, the Manufacturers’ Unfilled Orders Survey, the Report of Organization and the Service Annual Survey, according to the release.
The data collected will include business characteristics, business classification, revenue, operating expenses, assets, robotic equipment and a variety of trade or industry-specific content.
Survey data will be released beginning in the summer of 2025.