What will the workforce of the future look like 10 years from now? What trends will impact how we work and how can we best position ourselves for success? These are some of the questions the editorial committee and I posed as we began working on this issue of EVOLVE. As it turns out, there are many individuals in Volusia County’s business community thinking through these questions and working to discover the answers.
Tim and Sara Hale, co-founders and managing partners at Coastal Cloud, share their insights in the article Florida Company Seeks to Build Workforce of the Future. Their embrace of a virtual office model has helped them become a powerhouse in the technology consulting field and is a harbinger of things to come.
In the article Data Drives Results, John Hamlin, President of Hamlin and Associates, shares why having someone on your team who focuses on data will be key to your success.
It’s quite likely that many of us working now will still be working 10 years from now–though not necessarily in the same role or even in the same career. In The Road Ahead, Robin King, CEO of CareerSouce Flagler Volusia, shares why life-long learning is crucial to long-term employment and in How to Perfect Your Next Act we profile three individuals who have successfully changed careers.
According to a study by Upwork, the largest global freelancing website, more than ½ of the American workforce will freelance–in some form or fashion–by 2030. What does this mean closer to home? We explore the trend in the article, Central Florida Embraces the Gig Economy.
As you think about what the next 10 years will bring for your organization, our hope is that this issue of Evolve magazine will help you think through what your workforce will need to look like in order to maintain and grow a prosperous economic landscape.
John Guthrie
Editor, EVOLVE