Leroy Fisher
Fisher Lifting, Ormond Beach

What does your company do?

I have always enjoyed training people of all ages, but the focus of the business right now is on building a better coaching base for youth athletes.

What is your background and how did you get into the business?

I was born and raised in Palm Beach County, Florida, which makes me a rare person in the sense of being a native Floridian, so they say. After high school I worked for a few years before going to fire school down in Coral Springs, Florida and then to training in Greenacres, Florida. After a completing EMT training I waited a year and half before getting hired by Marion County Fire. After a couple years there I went back to school for paramedic and became a state certified paramedic in January 2012. In that time, I met my now wife and left Marion Fire to work at Palm Coast Fire in 2014. I went back to school and got my Bachelor’s in Exercise Science in 2019. From around the summer of 2012, I started coaching and training people in a local Crossfit gym, became the owner of the gym for two years, and then sold it in 2018. The pandemic hit in 2020 which gave me the extra push to start Fisher Lifting and be the CEO. I had coached weightlifting at my wife’s school since 2015 and have been growing my coaching style and passion for training people. Being an out of shape and overweight teenager, I wanted to build others’ mental and physical confidence that I experienced as I changed my life.

What sets your company apart from others?

I am currently waiting on a copyright for a strength and mobility protocol I created to help people acquire a quality lifting and mobility foundation, to help further the reduction in injuries. That makes us better than our competitors.

What is the biggest challenge your business faces?

The biggest hurdle for the protocol will be to get coaches to buy-in on my protocols. Strength coaches, and coaches in general, have a lot of pride. Just like many humans, when someone points a flaw out, we don’t like hearing it.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Being my own boss has always been something I said I wanted to be. It is a love/hate relationship and not always easy, especially when you have a family to think about. I have to always think about if a decision will not only affect me, but also my wife, son and daughter. I do enjoy being a firefighter/paramedic, but I have always wanted to have my own business.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Being a new start up I would suggest to aspiring entrepreneurs to follow your dream but understand it takes time, stress, patients and real self-reflection. It is you, and you dictate what will or will not happen in many ways. Life will throw curve balls but adjust and pivot if need be.

What three books would you recommend for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs?

Three books I have read that have helped me are “Conscious Coaching” by Brett Bartholomew; “Squat Bible” by Dr Aaron Horschig; and “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki.