City Council Workshop to Focus on Sports Complex, Utility Rates

The Palm Coast City Council meets Feb. 13 at 9 a.m. in a workshop with several items of interest to residents and businesses on the agenda.
City staff will make a presentation on the feasibility study for a proposed sports complex that was first heard by the Council at a workshop in December.
According to a city media release, staff will present on the Sports Complex Assessment conducted by Synergy Sports. Synergy Sports Global is a full-service sports facility development and management company. The presentation will include a revised site plan, funding options, potential economic impacts, and next steps.
Also on tap for the Feb. 13 workshop are two items from the city’s Stormwater & Engineering Department on infill lot complaints, and a resolution to piggyback on a contract with Hernando County with Asphalt Paving Systems Inc.
The infill discussion will highlight historical, current and future information on flooding issues in the city, according to the release. The presentation will include a three-tiered approach to the issue including infill lot fact gathering, technical manual modifications and funding sources, the release states. Recommendations for creating a citizen committee on residential flooding issues will also be discussed.
The second presentation will examine expenses related to global treatment systems and a 5-year pavement management plan, according to the release.
The Utility Department will present an ordinance revising the rates of the city’s utility systems based on a Water and Wastewater Revenue Sufficiency and Capital Facilities Fee study conducted by consultant Stantec Consulting Services, according to the release.
The consultant will recommend adjustments to various rates, including monthly base charges and per-gallon charges, as well as adjustments to water and sewer capacity fees that are assessed for new construction. A public hearing on the matter is scheduled for Feb. 20, at 9 a.m.
All meetings occur in the Community Wing at City Hall at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast.