Five Candidates Recommended for St. Johns Administrator Post
The St. Johns County Administrator Selection Committee unanimously recommended all five top-tier candidates for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners to replace former County Administrator Hunter Conrad, who announced his departure in June. The committee interviewed the five candidates via Zoom in a public meeting, according to a media release. Commissioners will discuss the recommendation at their regular meeting Oct. 17. Pending Commission approval, the five candidates will advance to in-person interviews at a public meeting on Oct. 31.
The five candidates are Joy Andrews, interim county administrator for St. Johns County; Scott Andrews, assistant city manager for City of Bakersfield, California; Sarah Campbell, town manager for Orange Park, Florida; James Doar, county administrator for Gallatin County, Montana; and James Harriott, director of engineering – transportation for Causseaux, Hewitt, and Walpole, Inc. Professional Consultants.
The county contracted with GovHR USA, a government recruitment and management consultant, to ensure a thorough, strategic national search for the next county administrator was completed, which provided a pool of 105 applicants, according to the release. GovHR USA narrowed the pool down to 12 potential candidates for the Selection Committee to review.
In the interest of maintaining a transparent and open hiring process that seeks community input and involvement at each step, the public is invited to attend the remaining county administrator recruitment events, which currently include a Meet the Next County Administrator ice cream social on Oct. 30 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the St. Johns County Administration Rotunda, 500 San Sebastian Way and a public meeting on Oct. 31 beginning at 9 a.m. In the St. Johns County Auditorium on San Sebastian Way where commissioners will interview the candidates. GovHR consultants will be available in person to facilitate the interview process and respond to questions by either the commissioners or candidates, according to the release.